
in the scientific literature

Available with citation data at ADS and Google Scholar. Also available at ORCiD. Publications with DU affiliation also at DRO. All full-text versions below provided free for personal use.


  1. The onset of bar formation in a massive galaxy at z ∼3.8
    A. Amvrosiadis, S. Lange, J. W. Nightingale, and 13 more authors
    (2025) MNRAS 537 1163


  1. MHONGOOSE discovery of a gas-rich low surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado group
    F. M. Maccagni, W. J. G. de Blok, P. E. Mancera Piña, and 28 more authors
    (2024) A&A 690 A69
  2. MHONGOOSE: A MeerKAT nearby galaxy H I survey
    W. J. G. de Blok, J. Healy, F. M. Maccagni, and 57 more authors
    (2024) A&A 688 A109
  3. A warm dark matter cosmogony may yield more low-mass galaxy detections in 21-cm surveys than a cold dark matter one
    Kyle A. OmanCarlos S. Frenk, Robert A. Crain, and 2 more authors
    (2024) MNRAS 533 67
  4. ARTEMIS emulator: exploring the effect of cosmology and galaxy formation physics on Milky Way-mass haloes and their satellites
    Shaun T. Brown, Azadeh Fattahi, Ian G. McCarthy, and 3 more authors
    (2024) MNRAS 532 1223
  5. MARTINI: Mock Array Radio Telescope Interferometry of the Neutral ISM
    Kyle A. Oman
    (2024) The Journal of Open Source Software 9 6860
  6. An overlooked source of uncertainty in the mass of the Milky Way
    Kyle A. Oman, and Alexander H. Riley
    (2024) MNRAS 532 L48
  7. Hydrodynamical simulations of merging galaxy clusters: giant dark matter particle colliders, powered by gravity
    Ellen L. Sirks, David Harvey, Richard Massey, and 7 more authors
    (2024) MNRAS 530 3160
  8. Gas and Star Formation in Satellites of Milky Way Analogs
    Michael G. Jones, David J. Sand, Ananthan Karunakaran, and 9 more authors
    (2024) ApJ 966 93


  1. KURVS: the outer rotation curve shapes and dark matter fractions of z ∼1.5 star-forming galaxies
    Annagrazia Puglisi, Ugnė Dudzevičiūtė, Mark Swinbank, and 14 more authors
    (2023) MNRAS 524 2814
  2. The north-south asymmetry of the ALFALFA HI velocity width function
    Richard A. N. Brooks, Kyle A. Oman, and Carlos S. Frenk
    (2023) MNRAS 522 4043
  3. The many reasons that the rotation curves of low-mass galaxies can fail as tracers of their matter distributions
    Eleanor R. Downing, and Kyle A. Oman
    (2023) MNRAS 522 3318
  4. Constraining quenching time-scales in galaxy clusters by forward-modelling stellar ages and quiescent fractions in projected phase space
    Andrew M. M. Reeves, Michael J. Hudson, and Kyle A. Oman
    (2023) MNRAS 522 1779
  5. The diversity of rotation curves of simulated galaxies with cusps and cores
    Finn A. Roper, Kyle A. OmanCarlos S. Frenk, and 3 more authors
    (2023) MNRAS 521 1316


  1. The Astropy Project: Sustaining and Growing a Community-oriented Open-source Project and the Latest Major Release (v5.0) of the Core Package
    Astropy Collaboration, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Pey Lian Lim, and 134 more authors
    (2022) ApJ 935 167
  2. Using EAGLE simulations to study the effect of observational constraints on the determination of HI asymmetries in galaxies
    Pooja V. Bilimogga, Kyle A. Oman, Marc A. W. Verheijen, and 1 more author
    (2022) MNRAS 513 5310
  3. No need for dark matter: resolved kinematics of the ultra-diffuse galaxy AGC 114905
    Pavel E. Mancera PiñaFilippo Fraternali, Tom Oosterloo, and 3 more authors
    (2022) MNRAS 512 3230
  4. The effects of self-interacting dark matter on the stripping of galaxies that fall into clusters
    Ellen L. Sirks, Kyle A. Oman, Andrew Robertson, and 2 more authors
    (2022) MNRAS 511 5927
  5. The ALFALFA HI velocity width function
    Kyle A. Oman
    (2022) MNRAS 509 3268


  1. Star formation histories of Coma cluster galaxies matched to simulated orbits hint at quenching around first pericenter
    A. K. Upadhyay, K. A. Oman, and S. C. Trager
    (2021) A&A 652 A16
  2. Satellites around Milky Way Analogs: Tension in the Number and Fraction of Quiescent Satellites Seen in Observations versus Simulations
    Ananthan Karunakaran, Kristine Spekkens, Kyle A. Oman, and 13 more authors
    (2021) ApJL 916 L19
  3. The weak lensing radial acceleration relation: Constraining modified gravity and cold dark matter theories with KiDS-1000
    Margot M. Brouwer, Kyle A. Oman, Edwin A. Valentijn, and 22 more authors
    (2021) A&A 650 A113
  4. Velocity-dependent J-factors for annihilation radiation from cosmological simulations
    Erin Board, Nassim Bozorgnia, Louis E. Strigari, and 6 more authors
    (2021) JCAP 2021 070
  5. A homogeneous measurement of the delay between the onsets of gas stripping and star formation quenching in satellite galaxies of groups and clusters
    Kyle A. OmanYannick M. Bahé, Julia Healy, and 3 more authors
    (2021) MNRAS 501 5073
  6. Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light
    Alis J. DeasonKyle A. OmanAzadeh Fattahi, and 8 more authors
    (2021) MNRAS 500 4181


  1. To β or not to β: can higher order Jeans analysis break the mass-anisotropy degeneracy in simulated dwarfs?
    A. Genina, J. I. ReadC. S. Frenk, and 6 more authors
    (2020) MNRAS 498 144
  2. The edge of the Galaxy
    (2020) MNRAS 496 3929
  3. Massive disc galaxies too dominated by dark matter in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
    A. Marasco, L. Posti, K. Oman, and 3 more authors
    (2020) A&A 640 A70
  4. Robust HI kinematics of gas-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies: hints of a weak-feedback formation scenario
    Pavel E. Mancera PiñaFilippo FraternaliKyle A. Oman, and 15 more authors
    (2020) MNRAS 495 3636
  5. Observational constraints on the slope of the radial acceleration relation at low accelerations
    Kyle A. Oman, Margot M. Brouwer, Aaron D. Ludlow, and 1 more author
    (2020) arXiv 2006.06700
  6. Baryonic clues to the puzzling diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves
    Isabel M. E. Santos-Santos, Julio F. Navarro, Andrew Robertson, and 7 more authors
    (2020) MNRAS 495 58
  7. The milky way total mass profile as inferred from Gaia DR2
    Marius Cautun, Alejandro Benı́tez-LlambayAlis J. Deason, and 7 more authors
    (2020) MNRAS 494 4291
  8. Subhalo destruction in the APOSTLE and AURIGA simulations
    Jack Richings, Carlos Frenk, Adrian Jenkins, and 8 more authors
    (2020) MNRAS 492 5780
  9. The Ophiuchus stream progenitor: a new type of globular cluster and its possible Sagittarius connection
    (2020) MNRAS 492 4164


  1. The HI velocity function: a test of cosmology or baryon physics?
    Garima Chauhan, Claudia del P. Lagos, Danail Obreschkow, and 3 more authors
    (2019) MNRAS 488 5898
  2. Off the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation: A Population of Baryon-dominated Ultra-diffuse Galaxies
    (2019) ApJL 883 L33
  3. The distinct stellar metallicity populations of simulated Local Group dwarfs
    Anna Genina, Carlos S. FrenkAlejandro Benı́tez-Llambay, and 4 more authors
    (2019) MNRAS 488 2312
  4. No cores in dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies with bursty star formation histories
    Sownak BoseCarlos S. Frenk, Adrian Jenkins, and 10 more authors
    (2019) MNRAS 486 4790
  5. The star formation histories of dwarf galaxies in Local Group cosmological simulations
    Ruth Digby, Julio F. NavarroAzadeh Fattahi, and 6 more authors
    (2019) MNRAS 485 5423
  6. The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Quenching of Star Formation in Clusters I. Transition Galaxies
    Matt S. Owers, Michael J. HudsonKyle A. Oman, and 19 more authors
    (2019) ApJ 873 52
  7. Non-circular motions and the diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves
    Kyle A. OmanAntonino MarascoJulio F. Navarro, and 3 more authors
    (2019) MNRAS 482 821


  1. The APOSTLE simulations: Rotation curves derived from synthetic 21-cm observations
    Kyle A. Oman
    Eds. Cristina Chiappini, Ivan Minchev, Else Starkenburg, and 1 more editor
    (2018) In Rediscovering Our Galaxy, IAUS 334 213
  2. Bars in dark-matter-dominated dwarf galaxy discs
    A. MarascoK. A. OmanJ. F. Navarro, and 2 more authors
    (2018) MNRAS 476 2168
  3. Tidal stripping and the structure of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group
    (2018) MNRAS 476 3816
  4. The innate origin of radial and vertical gradients in a simulated galaxy disc
    Julio F. Navarro, Cameron Yozin, Nic Loewen, and 6 more authors
    (2018) MNRAS 476 3648
  5. The core-cusp problem: a matter of perspective
    Anna Genina, Alejandro Benı́tez-LlambayCarlos S. Frenk, and 6 more authors
    (2018) MNRAS 474 1398


  1. The origin of the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation in ΛCDM
    (2017) MNRAS 471 1841
  2. The “Building Blocks” of Stellar Halos
    Kyle Oman, Else Starkenburg, and Julio Navarro
    (2017) Galaxies 5 33
  3. An explanation for the unexpected diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves
    Kyle A. Oman
    (2017) PhD Thesis, University of Victoria
  4. Knowing the unknowns: uncertainties in simple estimators of galactic dynamical masses
    David J. R. Campbell, Carlos S. Frenk, Adrian Jenkins, and 7 more authors
    (2017) MNRAS 469 2335
  5. Tidal features of classical Milky Way satellites in a Λ cold dark matter universe
    M. -Y. Wang, Azadeh Fattahi, Andrew P. Cooper, and 6 more authors
    (2017) MNRAS 468 4887
  6. Shaken and stirred: the Milky Way’s dark substructures
    Till Sawala, Pauli Pihajoki, Peter H. Johansson, and 4 more authors
    (2017) MNRAS 467 4383
  7. Mass-Discrepancy Acceleration Relation: A Natural Outcome of Galaxy Formation in Cold Dark Matter Halos
    Aaron D. Ludlow, Alejandro Benı́tez-LlambayMatthieu Schaller, and 8 more authors
    (2017) PRL 118 161103
  8. The properties of ‘dark’ ΛCDM haloes in the Local Group
    (2017) MNRAS 465 3913
  9. The oldest and most metal-poor stars in the APOSTLE Local Group simulations
    Else Starkenburg, Kyle A. OmanJulio F. Navarro, and 5 more authors
    (2017) MNRAS 465 2212
  10. The low-mass end of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation
    Laura V. SalesJulio F. NavarroKyle Oman, and 11 more authors
    (2017) MNRAS 464 2419


  1. Satellite quenching time-scales in clusters from projected phase space measurements matched to simulated orbits
    Kyle A. Oman, and Michael J. Hudson
    (2016) MNRAS 463 3083
  2. The low abundance and insignificance of dark discs in simulated Milky Way galaxies
    (2016) MNRAS 461 L56
  3. Missing dark matter in dwarf galaxies?
    Kyle A. OmanJulio F. NavarroLaura V. Sales, and 5 more authors
    (2016) MNRAS 460 3610
  4. The cold dark matter content of Galactic dwarf spheroidals: no cores, no failures, no problem
    Azadeh FattahiJulio F. NavarroTill Sawala, and 5 more authors
    (2016) arXiv 1607.06479
  5. The APOSTLE simulations: solutions to the Local Group’s cosmic puzzles
    Till SawalaCarlos S. FrenkAzadeh Fattahi, and 13 more authors
    (2016) MNRAS 457 1931
  6. The APOSTLE project: Local Group kinematic mass constraints and simulation candidate selection
    Azadeh FattahiJulio F. NavarroTill Sawala, and 8 more authors
    (2016) MNRAS 457 844


  1. The unexpected diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves
    Kyle A. OmanJulio F. NavarroAzadeh Fattahi, and 9 more authors
    (2015) MNRAS 452 3650


  1. Quenching star formation in cluster galaxies
    Dan S. Taranu, Michael J. Hudson, Michael L. Balogh, and 4 more authors
    (2014) MNRAS 440 1934


  1. Probing the Environmental Dependence of Star Formation in Satellite Galaxies using Orbital Kinematics
    Kyle Oman
    (2013) MSc Thesis, University of Waterloo
  2. Disentangling satellite galaxy populations using orbit tracking in simulations
    Kyle A. OmanMichael J. Hudson, and Peter S. Behroozi
    (2013) MNRAS 431 2307